Michal & Joshua went to Strasbourg for a challenging culmination of our BayFrance teaching exchange...
They worked hard to prepare practical course on flow photochemistry and software-hardware interaction. The students had to build the reactor, build a Arduino chipset, program the peristaltic pump, set up and flow the wet chemical reaction: all in 2 h!

Joshua gave teaching lectures on flow chemistry to MSc and BSc classes, and a research lecture on AK Barham's research. He got to meet and interact with renowned chemists at Strasbourg's ISIS institute, such as Profs. (Nobel Laureate) Jean-Marie Lehn, Amir Hoveyda, Joseph Moran, Giulio Ragazzon & Pawel Dydio.
He also got to meet Prof. Joanna Wencel-Delord over lunch!

Thanks to Prof. Gilles Marcou for co-ordinating this fantastic opportunity, and thanks to BayFrance for funding our collaboration!
