Our Jaspreet presented her work at the GSK Postgraduate Symposium, an exclusive event for top quality PhD students working in organic synthesis methodology / medicinal chemistry to present her final year PhD research.
Alumni Mark also took a break from his 1st year of the PhD in Aggarwal lab (Uni. Brisol) to present his first-author organophotocatalytic flow N-CH3 oxygenation chemistry, developed as a SynCat Master student in our group with collaborators in GSK and published in 2022 in Chem. Sci.!
Great that they were both warmly welcomed by director Dr. Harry Kelly, one of Joshua's former mentors when on the GSK/Strathclyde industrial PhD programme!
I was told both presentations were well-received with many questions from the industry-strong audience - well done to both Jaspreet and Mark!