The International Doctoral College "Photo-Electro-Catalysis" in which JPB is one of 11 P.I.s, starts advertising its 11 PhD positions.

In the specific project of our PhD position, we will develop homogeneous catalytic photo/electrochemical fixation of dinitrogen (N2) into organic compounds. The PhD will specialize in organic chemistry: applying homogeneous photo/electrocatalysis to organic synthetic transformations. The PhD will spend 6 months at the University of Oxford, with an academic international collaborator Dr. Daniel J. Scott. The PhD will benefit from connections to industrial partners of the IDK, and have an industrial PhD supervisor. Check out the EURAXESS advert, or 'Positions' for further details how to apply! Opening: 15.06.2022, Deadline: 15.07.2022 \(*(I)*)/